Developing REST Service using Spring Boot


In this tutorial, we'll learn, how to develop a REST API using the Spring Boot framework.

We’ll primarily use Java configuration in this tutorial.


  • JDK 1.8
  • Maven
  • IDE (for ease of use)

Setup maven project

Create a maven project and add the required dependencies and plugins in pom.xml

We will use the dependencyManagement to define a standard version of an artifact to use across multiple projects.

We will allow spring-boot-starter-parent to manage the version of the artifacts.


Now we'll add the spring-boot-starter-web dependency.


Spring Boot Maven Plugin provides Spring Boot support in Maven, letting you package executable jar or war archives and run an application “in-place”.


Creating a Spring Boot Application

Create a class with the main method. Annotate the class with @SpringBootApplication. Call the run method of SpringApplication class

package com.tutorialflix.spring.web;

import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;

public class SpringBootWebApplication {

    public static void main(String[] args) {, args);

@SpringBootApplication includes the functionality of following annotations:

By default, it will perform the component scan in the base package. So make sure SpringBootWebApplication class is present in the base package.

Creating a REST Controller

Create a class with a meaningful name based on your requirement & annotate the class with @RestController. The @RestController is the central artifact in the entire Web Tier of the RESTful API.

package com.tutorialflix.spring.web.contrroller;

import org.springframework.stereotype.RestController;

public class MyRestController {


Create a GET method to accept requests

Create a method named home to accept the request on '/' URL and show the index.html

    public Map<String,String> sayHello() {
        Map map = new HashMap<>();
        map.put("response","Hello, how are you");
        return map;

Create a POST method to accept requests

Create a method named home to accept the request on '/' URL and show the index.html

    public Map<String,String> sayHelloWithName(Map<String,String> request)     {
        Map map = new HashMap<>();
        map.put("response","Hello, how are you " + request.get("name"));
        return map;

Configuration using properties file

Create a file inside resources folder of the application and following properties.


server.port : to change the default port 8080 to any other port number. : to change the log level default INFO to DEBUG

Run the REST API

$ mvn spring-boot:run


Goto localhost:8081